Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Akumal Bay,TURTLES! October 6, 2015

Turtles! Turtles! and more Turtles!

The sand in Akumal Bay is rough and poky. It is full of turtle shells and little bits of coral.
There is 8 kinds of Turtles in the world, they are all endangered or threatened.  3 kinds are here at Akumal. 2 of them lay their eggs on the beach the green turtle and loggerhead turtles. The turtle digs a huge hole and lays the eggs, then she covers them up like a dog would do with a bone. The eggs take 55 days to hatch.

Wakey, wakey!
If the nest is cooler more boys will be born if the nest is warmer the more girls will be born.
The deeper you go the more the boy the higher you go the more the girl!

I am really excited for the turtles to come out.
A Crazy amount of turtles, they just keep coming and coming.
Most nests have 110 eggs! The turtles lay 2 to 8 nests a season. 
The turtle shells are soft not hard like chicken eggs.

LOOK AT THEM GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not a lot of baby turtles survive, the birds had a good lunch.
I felt terrible, but thats life! :(


  1. That's a lot of turtles, holy cow!

  2. Wow! Very sad about the turtles who became lunch for the birds. Just think some day some of the turtles you saw hatch will come back to lay their eggs on that beach again.

  3. Amazing. I look forward to reading more of your blog

  4. That is the coolest thing EVER
